Pro Se Mediation          

Pro se mediation refers to a mediation process in which individuals represent themselves without the assistance of legal counsel or attorneys. The term "pro se" is a Latin phrase meaning "for oneself" or "on one's own behalf."

In pro se mediation, the individuals participating in the mediation process act as their own advocates and present their cases directly to the mediator. Pro se mediation can be used in various types of disputes, including family law matters, small claims cases, landlord-tenant disputes, and neighbor disputes, among others.

While the mediator in these actions cannot offer legal or financial advice, they can help parties reach the end goal of an agreement, quickly, efficiently, and in a cost-effective manner.

It's important to note that pro se mediation may not be suitable for all cases. Complex legal issues, power imbalances, or emotional dynamics can make it challenging for individuals to effectively represent themselves.

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